Saturday 29 February 2020


God called Abraham to leave his country
His father’s house, to make a journey.
To receive an inheritance of God’s choice.

He obeyed in faith trusting in God’s promise.
We too are pilgrims to reach our heavenly abode
We walk in faith holding on to God’s hand.

Every moment God comes in disguise
Only a person of faith can recognize.

Abraham the faithful friend of God
Who experienced the compassion of God
Interceded for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah
Let us also pray for the whole world.

God promised to make Abraham
The father of many nations
He promised to give a son to him
He is ever faithful to his promise.

God asked him to sacrifice his son
Abraham’s faith was tested once again.
God rewarded his obedience
His descendants numbered like the stars.

From the descendants of Abraham
Jesus the Messiah was born
The perfect and pioneer of our faith
Jesus at our side let us live on in faith.

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