Wednesday 22 March 2017


" Lord teach me to seek Thee, and reveal Thyself to me when I seek Thee. For I cannot seek Thee unless Thou teach me, nor find Thee except Thou reveal Thyself. Let me seek Thee in longing, let me long for Thee in seeking, let me find Thee in love, and love Thee in finding."
                                                                                                                            St. Ambrose.
Elijah as we know was a great prophet in the northern kingdom of Israel in the 9th century B.C. during the reign of  king Ahab. The name Elijah means THE LORD IS MY GOD.The desert Fathers who took a radical decision to follow Jesus in silence and solitude in the third century, took Elijah as their model and inspiration. The hermits who lived on Mount Carmel naturally took him as their model and 'first monk' and Founder.

Carmelites understand contemplation as seeking the Face of God by standing before Him with an open heart. What does this imply? Elijah did everything at God's command. He was a man burning with zeal, - "With zeal I have been zealous  for the Lord God of Hosts." (1 King, 19:10) Elijah stands for a passionate love for God and a Carmelite is called to be aflame with the "Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God." (Rule of St. Albert.)

The Bible places before us a series of dramatic events in little snapshots. In fighting the cause of Yahweh, Elijah called a drought to befall the nation, called down fire, rebelled against authorities and ran away like a coward at Queen Jezebel's retribution, he was down in utter desolation and wished that might die... He will finally be awakened to fulness of life as the gentle breeze sweeps over his soul. He was a man capable of both extremes.

In the final analysis Yahweh-Elijah encounter is a great love story. A contemplative is the one who fights it all out with God. Elijah encourages us to take up our journey with confidence. The God of Elijah is not some one up above. He is the One with Whom we can identify. God of Elijah is One Who will feed him and chide him, talk to him and walk with him, put him to sleep and wake him up and finally will carry him in His bosom and fly away to the Fatherland.

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