Saturday 13 April 2019


Eucharistic community, Jesus and we,
Like vine and the branches Nourished from the Tree.

Eucharistic community Jesus and we,
His marvelous dream Of humble charity.

Eucharistic community Jesus and we,
With Him by our side Living in solidarity.

Eucharistic community Jesus and we,
He in us and we in Him In the heart of the Trinity.

Eucharistic community Jesus and we,
Caring, sharing, bearing In love’s simplicity.

Eucharistic community Jesus and we,
Union of hearts In total liberty.

Eucharistic community Jesus and we,
Loved and upheld Meaningful entity.

Eucharistic community Jesus and we,
Ongoing salvation Forgiveness and maturity.

Eucharistic community Jesus and we,
His presence made visible A pointer to a wider reality.

Eucharistic community Jesus and we,
The mission in life Of a contemplative personality.

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